Believe in Jesus

Believe in Jesus

Jesus has given you all He has, and only asks that you believe in Him in return. View the full message:...
Say Yes to Jesus

Say Yes to Jesus

Instead of adding rules and laws to our lives in an attempt to be perfect, we can fix our eyes on Jesus and trust ourselves to Him. View the full message:...
Social Media Fast 2021

Social Media Fast 2021

I have a love / hate relationship with the month of July. Let’s start with the hate. It’s hot and humid. Gross. But July has a huge upside because it’s the month I fast from Social Media and I can’t wait. Here are the rules I am setting for...
Pray and Plan

Pray and Plan

Pastor Noel Jesse Heikkinen challenges us to both pray big and plan big. View the full message:...
Pray Right Now

Pray Right Now

When we pray we’re saying we know who can change the situation, who is powerful, who can actually intervene. So when you think about praying, don’t wait, do it right then. View the full message:...